2023 Galleri Bluelight is celebrating 30 years as a gallery and during March arranges a jubilee exhibition
including all 18 artists who trough the years have received awards.
I was awarded the Galleri Bluelight jury-rated Cultural prize 2017 as the artist of the year incounty Halland.
I am participating in the exhibition with water colour paintings.
The exhibition is shown Saturday March 4 - Sunday March 26
Vernissage on Saturday march 4 mars 13 – 17 am at the gallery in Svalöv (Svalegatan 4)
Gallery open:
Saturday March 4: 13 - 17 vernissage
Sunday 11- 15
Thereafter 4/3 - 26/3
Monday 12 -16
Tuesday CLOSED
Wednesday 12 - 16
Thursday CLOSED
Friday 12 - 16
Saturday 11 - 15
Sunday 12 - 16
"Snow melting" - one of the artworks I am participating with